Sunday, 21 August 2016


72.Where for the first time in 1938, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, definitely formulated his demand for a constituent Assemblywhich was reiterated by the working committee of the
Indian National Congress in :
(á) 1939 (b) 1940
(c) 194ł (d) 1942
73.The demand for ConstituentAssembly was resisted by theBritish Govt. but the factors which fórced them to realize the urgency of solving the Indian constitutional problem
 (a) Freedom struggle
(b) Nation wide novement
(e) Outbreak of World War II and the Subsequent circumstances forced to do so
(d) None of the above
74.The British Govt. sent Sir Stafford Cripps, a member ofthe cabinet with draft declaration in
(a) Feb. 1940{b} March 1942
(c) April 1941(d) August 1940
75· The draft declaration of the Stafforđ Cripps provided the two major political parties (Congress & Musilm League) could  to an agreement to sort out the proposal būt it failed  to come to an agreement and it was rejected because :
(a) The Muslim League urged that India shỏuld be divided into two autonomous states on communal lines
(b) There should be two Constituent Assembly instead of one  separate Constituent Assembly for Pakistan
(c) Of the above mention reason (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
76. After the rejection of the Cripps proposal a nation wide campaign launched by the Congress the movement known as :
 (a) Civil Disobedience Movement
 (b) Quit India Movement
(c) Non-Cooperation Movement
(d) Home Rule Movement
77. Various attempts were made to reconcile the two parties over the issue of Constituent Assembly but failed, the British Cabinet sent three of the own members from Cabinet known as :
(a) Cripps mission
(o) Cabinet Delegation/mission
 (c) None of the above
(d) All of the above
78. The proposals of Cabinet delegation sought to effect a compromise but :
(a) Suggested for separate constituent Assembly
 (b) Suggested for separate state for Muslims
(c) Rejected the claim for separate Constituent
(d) Suggested for complete Hindu State
79. When the Constituent Assembly first met?
 (a) December 9, 1946
(b) December 9, 1945
(c) October 24, 1945
(d) April 9, 1945
80. For the first time, the British Govt. acknowledged the possibility of two Constituent Assembly and two States when :
(a) No Muslim members elected for Constituent Assembly
 (b) The Muslim League members did not attend the Constituent Assembly when first met
(c) The members of the Constituent Assembly were not happy with Muslim League members
(d) Acted indifferently when first meeting was held
81. For the first time Governor-General announced the setting up for a separate Constituent Assembly for Pakistan on :
 (a) 15th July, 1947
(b) 5th July, 1945
 (c) 26th January, 1947
·(d)26th July, 1947
82. The Constituent Assembly, which had been elected for undivided India held its first sitting on the :
(a) 9th January, 1946
(b) 9th December, 1946
 (c) 9th September, 1946
(d) 9th July, 1946
83. The Drafting Committee was appointed by the Assembly.under the Chairmanship of :
 (a) Dr. Rajender Prasad
(b) Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar
(c) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(d) Mahatma Gandhi
84. On which date the Constitution received the signature of the President of the Assembly and was declared as passed :
(a) 28th November, 1949
(b) 26th November, 1950
(c) 15th August, 1947
(d) 26th January, 1950 14.
85.The Muslim League was formed in
(a) 1905(b) 1906
(c) 1907(d) 1911
85. The Simla conference to arrive at a negotiated settlement between Indian National Congress & Muslim League was convened by :
(a) Lord Mountbatten
(b) Lord Wavell
(c) Lord Macdonald
(d) Lord Linlithgow
86. Who among following were members of the Cabinet mission despatched by the British Labour  Govt. in 1945?
(I) Pethick-Lawrence
(II) A.V. Alexander
 (III) Stafford Cripps
(IV) Clement Attlee Select from the following :
(a) I, II, III(b) II, III, IV (c) I, II, IV(d) I, III, IV
87. The Cabinet mission was a:
a) One-member Commission
(b) Two-member Commission
(c) Three-member Commission
 (d) Four-member Commission
88. Which of the following were the main recommendation of the Cabinet Commission
(a) It suggested setting up a Constituent Assembly to frame a Constitution of India
(b) It provided for the Setting up of an Interim Govt.consisting of representatives of various political parties
(c) It proposed formation of a Federal ûnionconsisting of British Indian provinces and Indian States
(d) All the above
89. Who headed the Interim Govt. formed under the Cabinet Mission Plan?
 (a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(b) Jawahar Lal Nehru
 (c) Sardar Vallabbhai Patel
(d) C.Rajagopalachari
90. The British for the first time conceded the demand for partition of India into two parts under :
 (a) Cabinet Mission Plan
(b) Mountbatten Plan of June 1947
(c) Cripps Mission Plan
 (d) Simla Pact of June 1945
91. The British Parliament passed the Indian Independence Act :29. The British contributed to rise of nationalism in India by :
(a) In January, 1947
(b) In June, 1947
(c) In July, 1947
(d) On 3 August, 1947Lingua franca
93, which of the following was not the outcome of the Indian
(a) Lord Curzon
(b) Lord Ripon
 (2) Lord Lytton
(d) Lord Dalhousie
94.Independence Act of 1947. RIt set up a Constituent Assembly to frame a constitution took the initiative for formation of Indian National congress? for free India,
(a) S.N. Banerjee
(b) G.K. Gokhale
 (c) It terminated British rule in India with effect from 15 August
(d) All the above
95. Where was the first session of the Indian National Congress
.(a) Lahore(b) Bombay
(c) Calcutta(d) Delhi
96. How many committees were appointed by the Constituent Assembly to consider various aspects of the constitutions?
 (a) Five
(b) Nine Indian National Congress?
(c) Eleven
33. Who among the following was the first president of the
 b) A.O. Hume
c)feroz shah Mehta
 d) Gokale
97. The constituent Assembly decideá on various provision of the constitution.
(a) By a majority vote
b) By a consensus
(c) By a two-third majority
(d) Unanimously through gradual reforms
98.The moderate nationalist leaders during the national movement aimed at :
 (a) Complete independence
 (b) Dominion status for India within the British empire
(b) Introduction of self government
99. The elections of the Constituent Assembły were held one of the above the basis of : Which one the.following was not insisted on by the
(a) Universal franchise    (b) Equal franchise leaders :
(c) Communal franchise (d) Restricted franchise form of legislative councils
100. The Nomeniclature of the constituent Assembły were
(c) Indianisation of services through simultaneous examinations
(a) Directly elected in England and India
(b) Nominated by Congress and muslim League
(c) Unity and național interest
(d) Dominion status for India with the Empire
101. the two principles which guided the Constituent Assembly
(a) Disillusionment with the achievements of moderates in arriving at decisions were
(b) Pride in ancient culture and civilization –
 (a) Consensus and accommodation
(c) Repressive policies of Lord Curzon
(d) All the above
103. The national leaders extended support to the British Government during the first world war :
(a) On account of personal appeal by the national leaders
 (b) Due to fear of severe repression by the British Government
 (c) In the hope of certain concessionsat the end of the war
 (d) Due to pressure from President of USA
104. The most outstanding event of the year 1919 which had a profound impact on the course of national movement was :
 (a) Introduction of communal electorates
(b) Jallianwala Bagh massacre
(c) Formation of Muslim League
 (d) Arrival of Mahatma Gandhi in India after a successful agitation in South Africa
105. Swadeshi movement was launched as a protest against :
 (a) British Government's decision to impose higherduties on the export of Indian Goods to Britain & Europe
(b) British Government's decision to partition Bengal
(c) British Government's decision to permit import ofBritish goods in India free of duty
(d) All the above decisions of British Government
106. Satyagraha movement was launched by MahatmaGandhi in 1919 :
 (a) As a protest against the massacre at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
(b) As a protest against the British Government for its failure to introduce promised reforms at the end of war
 (c) As a protest against the Rowlatt Act
(d) To añnounce his assumption of leadership ofnational movement
107. which among the following was the prominent features of the Satyagraha Movement :
 (a) Boycott of legislatures
(b) Boycott of courts
 (c) Non-payment of outstanding taxes to the government
(d) All the above
108. Despite its popularity, Mahatma Gandhi decided to suspend the non-cooperation movement in 1922 due to :
(a) Excessive repression of the British Government
 (b) Violent turn of the movement
(c) Opposition of Muslim League
 (d) All the above
109. Despite its failure, the non-cooperation movement achieved the following :
(a) It drew in ruralpeople in the national movement
 (b) It provided a sense of self confidence to thepeople
(c) It obliged the British Government to speed up constitutional reforms
(d) All the above
110. The main contribution of the swaraj Party to the national movement was :
(a) They brought about unity between the Congress and the Muslim League
(b)They convinced the British Government of the need of making further concessions by bringing the government machinery to standstill
(ç) They kept the national movement alive at a time when the whole nation was completely baffled following the suspension of the non-cooperation movement
(d) They drew in the masses in the national movement
111. Indiansdecidedto boycott the Simon Commission appointed British Government to look into the working of the forms and make necessary recommendations of constitution because:-out a new
(a) It did not give sufficient representation to the Indians on the commission
b)It was an all white commission
c) It included Indian members from the princely· classes princes and zamindar
(d)Indian members were nominated without consulting the Indian National Congress or the Muslim League
112. In view of the boycott of Simon Commission by the Indians:
(a) The commission was withdrawn before it could commence its work
(b) The commission had to be withdrawn after  it had only part of its workp completed
(e) The commission continued its work and submitted areport about constitutional reforms
(d) The chairman of the commission tendered his resignation and refused to go ahead with its work
113. The Indian National Congress raised the demand for Complete independence or Poorna Swaraj at the session
(a) Benaras
(b) Calcutta
 (c) Bombay
(d) Lahore
114. The demand for complete independence or Poorna Swaraj was made for the first time in
 (a) 1907(b) 1929
(c) 1938(d) 1937
115.who of the following presided over the Lahore session of the Indian National Congress where the demand for poorna swaraj was raised ?
(a) Lala Lajpat Rai
(b) Subhash Chandra Bose
(c) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(d) Mahatma Gandhi
116.Mahatma Gandhi launched the civis disobedience movement witła Dandi march in :
(a) 1928(b) 1929
(ç), 1930(d) 1931
117.The main terms of the Gandhi-Irwin Pact of 1931 were :
(a) Political prisoners were to be released by the Govt.
(b) Congress was to suspend the civil disobedience movement
(c) Congress was to tae part in the Second Round Table Conference
(d) All the above
118.who represented the Congress in the Second Round Table Conference at London in 1931?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Jawahar Lal Nehru
 (c) Subhash Chandra Bose
 (d) None
119.Mahatma Gandhi decided to revive the Civil disobedience movement  because :
(a) No agreernent could be reached at the Second Round Table Conference in 1931
(b) The British Government failed to live up the agreement reached with the Congress representative at the Second Round Conference
(c) The British Government openly supported the Muslim League against the Congress
(d) All the above
120.Who described the Government of India Act 1935 as a 'new charter of bondage'?
(á) Jawahar Lal Nehru (b) M.A. Jinnah
(c) K.T. Shah     (d) Mahatma Gandhi
121. In how many Provinces did the Congress manage to form ministers as a result of the elections held in 1937 under the Government of India Act 1935 :
(a) Five   (b) Six
(c) Seven(d) Nine
122. The Congress ministers tendered resignation in 1939 because :
(a) They could not manage the affairs well
(b) The Governor General created obstructions in the way of their smooth working
 (c), Britain declated India a party to the Second World War without consulting them
(d) of paucity of finance
123.The August offer was made by the British Government in 1940 to :
(a) Dissuade the Congress ministers from tendering their resignation
 (b) Drive a edge between the Congress & Muslim League
 (c) Dispel the fears of Indian Princes about theirfuture
(d) To secure the support of Indians in their war efforts
124.The August offer is significant because it for the first time :
(a) Conceded the demand for Muslim League for the partition of the country
(b) Promised dominion status to India
(c) Conceded the right of he Indians to frame a constitution for themselves
(d) Conceded the Indian demand for complete independence
125.what was the policy of Congress during the Second World War?
(a) To seek armed support from other countries for the attainment of Indian Independence
 (b) To secure freedom for India and then support the war
(c) To ensure defeat of the allied powers so that the British may be forced to leave India
(d) To oust the British with the support of Japan
126.The Cripps Mission which was sent by the British Govt. to hold discussion with the Congress Leaders and submit proposals for a final settlement of the Indian problem came to India in :
(a) March 1942(b) April 1943
(c) May 1944(d) August 1945
127.The Congress rejected Cripps proposals because :
(a) They envisaged partition of the country to which it was strongly opposed--
(6) They did not contemplate immediate transfer of effective power of to the Indians
(c) It was not willing to cooperate with the British government in the war against Japan, an Asian Power
(d) The British Govt. refused to release most of the detained Indian leaders
128.The Congress decided to launch the guit India Movement to free India British Yoke in 1942 under the leadership of:
(a) Maulana Azad
(b), Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(d) All the above
131. The Cabinet mission came to India to
 (a) Finalise the date for the transfer of powers to the Indians
(b) To work out terms for the transfer of power to the Indians
 (c) Eleven
(d) Thirteen|
132. How many times was taken by the Constituent Assembly  to discuss the Plan for the Partition of the country frame the Constitution?
(a)^ About three years
(b) Just one year been detained during the war
(c) About two years
(d) Over five years
133. The of the Constitution ensurined in the Mission Plan was formed on 2 sept. 1946 headed by were first ;-
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(b)Lal Nehru
(c) Sardar Patel
(d) C. Rajagopalachari Session
(b) Spelt out in the Indian Independence Act 1947
134. The British announced their decision to grant Spelt out in the objective Ressoution moved by Pandit Nehru indepenedence to India by 15 August, 1947 on and adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 22 Janaury,
 (a) 1st January, 1947(b) 3rd June, 1947
 (c) 15th August, 1946(d) 20th February, 1947
135. Which one of the following members acted as the Provisional President of the Constituent Assembly :
(a) Madan Mohan Malviya
(b)Hirdaya Nath Kanzru
(c) Jai Prakash Narayana
 (d) Sachidanand sinha
136. Who among the following was elected as the permanent  President of the Constituent Assembly?
 (a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(b) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
 (c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) K.M. Munshi.
137. Though Muslim League conteseted election for the Assembly, it refused to take part in its proceedings because :.
(a) Their leader M.A. Jinnah was not elected as the permanent-.
. (b) President of the ConstituentAssembly
(b) The British has promised them a Separate state of Pakistan
 (c) They felt that they had not received adequate representation.
 (d) They wanted a separate Constituent Assembly
138. How many committees were appointed by the constituent DoyouKnow ? Assembly to consider various aspects of the Constitution?
(a) Five(b) Nine-

(c) Eleven (đ) Thirteen

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